Climate Crisis March, Dunedin October 2019

Climate Crisis March, Dunedin October 2019

Climate Crisis March, Dunedin October 2019

It's comforting to know there's at least 9000 Dunedin people who care. On the 27th September 2019 at least 9000 marched to voice their concerns about the future of our shared world. Actually we know it's many more than that who would have liked to march, but not everyone can leave their job or school in the middle of the day to protest. Part of my motivation to document this march is I want it to be seen and known that it's not just students protesting. In fact all generations were there- it seems like my generation are finally waking up and smelling the coal fumes. I hope we have a big worried silent majority, who are keen but who have yet to get out there to make their voices heard. Who are the climate enemies? Well, we're all part of the problem and all have to start making serious lifestyle changes, but this educational Guardian article lists the 100 worst polluters responsible for 71% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. They're who we need to go after politically. Unsurprisingly they're mostly Big Oil and Big Coal corporations along with China who alone is responsible for a staggering 14.3% of emissions, largely due to their burning of coal for electricity. Sadly there's been a marked absence of protesters in China these recent worldwide protest days. Unfortunately state control is a powerful, scary reality for much of the worlds population.